What We Offer
Price for 1 minute
Price for 1 minute
Includes medical history, neurovascular assessment and initial treatment.
Follow up treatments and
regular appointments.
£5 discount for each client for group
appointments of two or more patients.

General foot MOT and maintenance
We check your feet for any underlying problems such as signs of trauma, infection or reduced circulation. In addition to treating conditions of the foot, we offer regular foot check-ups which can minimise the risk of developing such conditions. We can also provide advice on the best ways to look after your own feet including the correct footwear for you.
Cut, file and maintain toenails
Regular cut and file to keep toenails at a manageable length. Overlong toenails can become quite painful and result in damage to the surrounding skin.
Thickened nails
Thickened toenails can become difficult if not impossible to cut yourself. Toenails can become thickened as a result of an undetected or untreated fungal infection. If left, thickened toenails can become painful and lead to further problems. We bur back thickened nails to thin them and aid cutting.
Callus and dry skin
Callus is a thickening of the skin usually in reaction to repeated friction on a particular area of the foot. When callus becomes too thick it can become sore, especially when found on a weight-bearing area such as the ball of the foot. We can par back callus using a scalpel or for larger areas of callus using a manual or electric file.
A hard corn is an area of callus with a distinct packed centre. They most commonly appear on the top of the toes and are caused by persistent friction in that area. A soft corn is less callused and is more likely to be found between the toes. Corns can be extremely painful when pressure is applied. We remove corns using a technique called enucleation.
Cracked heals
Heel fissures are a fairly common foot condition which results from dry and callused skin on the heel area, usually found on people who spend, or have spent, long periods of time on their feet. Cracked heels can be aesthetically displeasing and can cause discomfort to the sufferer. We treat cracked heels using a combination of scalpel work, filing and topical treatment to reduce the cracking and over time can even repair heels completely.
Atheletes Foot (fungal skin infection)
Athletes foot is a fungal skin infection which usually first appears as dry, flaky skin between the toes. It can be extremely uncomfortable; causing an itchy, sore and burning sensation. This is treated topically.
Fungal nail infection
Fungal nail is an infection of the skin beneath the nail which causes a change in texture and colour to the nail itself. It causes the nail to become brittle and can be aesthetically unpleasing. We bur or cut back the damaged nail to allow the topical treatment to reach the source of the infection.
Verruca Pedis is a type of benign skin lesion arising from a viral infection. When positioned on a weight-bearing area of the foot, they can develop an overlying callus which can become quite painful. We use techniques to remove any overriding callus allowing the topical treatment to penetrate the lesion. This technique encourages an immune response to fight the virus.
Diabetic foot care
People with diabetes can experience reduced feeling and sensitivity in their feet and have an increased risk of suffering from foot problems. Regular check-ups, treatment and professional advice can significantly lower this risk and help to maintain a happy and healthy foot/life balance. We offer a comprehensive neuro-vascular assessment using a series of diagnostic tests. We are happy to provide a printout or email of your results which can be shared with your diabetic consultant or nurse. We believe in and encourage a multi-disciplinary approach to your diabetic care.
Ingrown nails
.Ingrown toenail is a condition where the nail grows into the surrounding flesh. Where the nail becomes embedded (pierces the skin) there is an increased risk of infection. This can be a painful and debilitating condition. We use a technique called partial nail resection whereby we remove the ingrowing section of the nail providing instant relief and encouraging a regrowth away from the surrounding tissue. We also offer a type of nail bracing; Onyfix nail correction system for ingrown and involuted nails. This is a pain-free treatment which corrects the nail through physiological nail growth.